Section 23-601

Section 23-601

  §  23-601  Mobile  access  to  additional  information. a. Any permit,
license, or registration that is issued by any city agency, and which is
required by any law or rule to  be  conspicuously  posted  or  otherwise
visible to the public, shall include technology or technologies, such as
a  quick  response  code  or a near field communication tag, by which an
individual with a properly equipped mobile device  may  directly  access
publicly  available information maintained online by the agency relating
specifically to such permit, license, or registration.  "Scan  for  more
info," or other similarly descriptive text describing the purpose or use
of  the technology, shall be printed near the technology or technologies
on the permit, license, or registration.
  b. The requirements of subdivision a of this section shall  not  apply
to  any  permit,  license,  or  registration  about  which  no  publicly
available information beyond that  which  is  printed  on  such  permit,
license, or registration is maintained online by the agency issuing such
permit,  license,  or  registration.  If  publicly available information
maintained by the agency beyond that which is printed  on  such  permit,
license,  or  registration  is  made  available  by  the  agency  online
subsequent to the issuance of such permit, license, or registration, the
requirements of subdivision a of this section shall apply  to  the  next
issuance of such permit, license, or registration.
  c. The department of information technology and telecommunications, or
any  successor  agency,  shall  prepare  and  publish a technical manual
specifying the appropriate technology or technologies for  inclusion  on
such  permits,  licenses,  and  registrations, taking into account, at a
minimum, the  cost,  accessibility,  and  potential  usefulness  of  the
technology  or  technologies, and shall review, and update as necessary,
such manual at least once every two years.