Section 8-1101.
§8-1101. Definition; confidentiality requirements. a. For purposes of
this chapter, the term "chancellor" shall mean the chancellor of the
city school district of the city of New York, or the chancellor's
b. In no event shall any report submitted pursuant to this chapter
release, or provide access to, any personally identifiable information
contained in education records in violation of 20 U.S.C. § 1232g or
information in violation of any other applicable confidentiality
requirement in federal or state law.
Section 8-1102.
§8-1102. Annual report on student discipline. The chancellor shall
submit to the city council by October 31st of each year an annual
report, based on data from the preceding school year, on the discipline
of students.
a. The data in this report shall be disaggregated by school and shall
show the total number of students in each school who have been:
1. subjected to a superintendent's suspension; or
2. subjected to a principal's suspension.
b. The data provided pursuant to each of paragraphs one and two of
subdivision a shall be disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, grade
level at the time of imposition of discipline, age of the student as of
December 31st of the school year during which discipline is imposed,
whether the student is receiving special education services or whether
the student is an English Language Learner, disciplinary code infraction
and length of suspension. If a category contains between 0 and 9
students, the number shall be replaced with a symbol.
c. The report shall also include the citywide total number of
transfers that occurred in connection with a suspension, disaggregated
by involuntary and voluntary transfers.
Section 8-1103.
§8-1103. Biannual citywide report on suspensions. The chancellor shall
submit to the council by October 31st and March 31st of each year a
report on the discipline of students citywide, based on data from the
first six months of the current calendar year and the second six months
of the preceding calendar year respectively. Such report shall include
the number of suspensions citywide for each month, disaggregated by
superintendent's and principal's suspensions.