Article 417 - BOARDS

Section 28-417.1

Section 28-417.1

  §28-417.1  Plumbing  and  fire  suppression  piping contractor license
board.  The commissioner shall appoint annually and may remove in his or
her discretion each member of a plumbing  and  fire  suppression  piping
contractor license board that shall have as its purpose the following:
  1.  To  advise the commissioner regarding the character and fitness of
applicants for certificates of competence and licenses who  have  passed
the required examination.
  2.  To  advise  the  commissioner  regarding  allegations  of  illegal
practices on the part of licensed master plumbers, licensed master  fire
suppression piping contractors, master plumber businesses or master fire
suppression piping businesses.
  3.  To advise the commissioner regarding plumbing and fire suppression
piping practices, code applications, regulations and legislation.
  4. To perform such other responsibilities as may be requested  by  the
commissioner and as set forth in rules promulgated by the department.

Section 28-417.1.1

Section 28-417.1.1

  §28-417.1.1  Removal.  The  commissioner  may remove any member of the
license board and shall fill any vacancy therein.

Section 28-417.1.2

Section 28-417.1.2

  §28-417.1.2 Membership. Membership of the board shall consist of:
  1. Two officers or employees of the department;
  2. Five licensed master plumbers, three of whom shall be selected from
nominees  of  the  New  York city contracting plumbing association whose
members perform the largest dollar value of work within the city and one
of whom shall be the holder  of  a  class  A  or  class  B  master  fire
suppression piping contractor license. The two remaining licensed master
plumber  board  member positions shall be from the next largest plumbing
association in the city of New York.
  3. Two licensed master fire  suppression  contractors,  both  of  whom
shall  hold a class A license and shall be selected from nominees of the
New York city sprinkler/fire suppression piping contractors  association
whose members perform the largest dollar value of work within the city;
  4.  A registered journeyman plumber from the organization representing
the largest number of registered journeyman plumbers;
  5. A registered journeyman fire suppression piping installer from  the
organization  representing  the  largest number of registered journeyman
fire suppression piping installers;
  6. An engineer having at least five years experience in the design  of
plumbing systems;
  7. An architect;
  8.  An engineer who is a full member of the society of fire protection
  9. Two officers or employees of the fire department  representing  the
fire commissioner; and
  10. A real estate owner or manager or representative thereof.

Section 28-417.1.3

Section 28-417.1.3

  §28-417.1.3 Organization of the board. A member of the board who is an
officer  or  employee  of  the  department representing the commissioner
shall  serve  as  chairperson  and  all  members  shall  serve   without
compensation.  Nine  members  including  the  chairperson,  who shall be
entitled to vote, shall  constitute  a  quorum  of  the  board  for  the
transaction of business. All actions shall be conducted by majority vote
except  as  otherwise  provided, and the board shall keep minutes of its
proceedings and records of its investigations. The board shall  meet  at
least  once  a month except during the months of July and August, and at
such other times upon call of the chairperson.

Section 28-417.1.4

Section 28-417.1.4

  §28-417.1.4  Advisory and support personnel. The board may request the
commissioner to  appoint  duly  authorized  representatives  to  conduct
investigations  and  other activities incidental to the functions of the
license board. Such  appointees  shall  be  non-voting  members  of  the
committee to which they are appointed, and may include personnel who are
not  department  employees  who  shall  serve  without  compensation. In
addition the commissioner may designate such employees of the department
as the commissioner deems necessary to the service and  support  of  the
license board.